
Free Malaysia Salary Calculator 2024 – Verify payroll calculations

salary calculatorThis free salary calculator software includes PCB Schedule, EPF/SOCSO, EIS and overtime calculations. Verify your salary calculations using this simple salary calculator before generating your monthly payroll reports and payslips. All calculations for multiple staff can be saved for faster monthly salary verification.

Once completed, save and export the data to excel for further processing. This Excel file can then be edited to generate SOCSO, EPF and EIS reports. This software has a high accuracy because it uses the same payroll calculators that are used in our commercial Actpay payroll  software system. 

Note : LHDN does not provide a PCB Schedule (TABLE OF MONTHLY TAX DEDUCTIONS) anymore. The SCHEDULE OF MONTHLY TAX DEDUCTIONS has been replaced by E-CP39 that provides the same results. E-CP39 tax is based on monthly income. Computerised and Online LHDN PCB Calculator are based on Year to Date income.


Actpay Free Salary Calculator Basic Functions and Features

  1. Enter and save staff information. Include IC, EPF, SOCSO and income tax details that can be exported to Excel to generate payslip and other government statutory reports. 
  2. Full salary calculations for basic Malaysian payroll requirements including EPF, SOCSO, PCB and EIS. 
  3. Software has been tested and verified for Government Statutory Calculations for the following :
    1. EPF Calculator – Employees Provident Fund (KWSP)
    2. SOCSO Calculator  – Social Security Organisation (PERKESO)
    3. EIS Calculator – Employment Insurance System (SIP)
    4. PCB Calculator – Potongan Cukai Bulanan (MTD)
  4. Enter up to 3 Allowances with variation in EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB.
  5. Overtime and Benefit in Kind included for more accurate EPF and PCB Calculations.
  6. Automated Bonus PCB Calculations with correct EPF and PCB results.
  7. Calculates Gross income and Net Pay based on input values.
  8. Able to view Salary values used to calculate EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB. Amount used to calculate EPF and SOCSO are different depending on the allowance. For example Overtime has no EPF and Bonus has no SOCSO.
  9. All Calculation details are saved in an Excel file. Copy and Edit as needed.
  10. Software has no time or staff limit. Software is completely free.

Download procedure

No user registration is required to use this salary calculator. Just download zip file and unzip. No database drivers, no complicated installation. Just unzip and run. All data is stored in an Excel file. 

Actpay Salary Calculator Download Files

Actpay Free Salary Calculator
Actpay Free Salary Calculator

Download Actpay Free Salary Calculator

Version: 1.0
Free Salary Calculator Files
List of files for payroll calculator.

There are only 2 files. All the saved salary information is stored in actpayfree.xls. You can open this file to view the details. If you need to delete some of the staff information, you have to delete the rows in this file. In the software, you can add but cannot delete rows. 

If you need to do other calculations or reports, please make a copy of Acptayfree.xls and edit as needed. Try not to edit the ActpayFree.xls directly. Make copies of the file and make changes as needed.

How to use Free Payroll Calculator

salary calculations 

This Salary Calculator software is very easy to use. Just Click Edit and enter the information you want. If you just want to calculate for a single amount just enter the total in Basic Salary. This will calculate EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB for that amount.

For a blank screen, Click Add enter a new staff.

Add Employee

To start,  click Add to get an empty screen. Input basic staff information and Save. Staff information is optional and not needed for calculations. Enter staff information if you want to use the Excel file to do your payroll. 

Enter the values want and click “Calc Salary” to calculate.  Click “Save” to save the information to the Excel File.

edit button

All staff fields are optional, but staff number, name and IC are useful for reporting. IC and other information can be saved in the excel file to create your own payslips.

Marital Status, No. of Children and EPF rate will be set to default values if not entered. You can edit and change these parameters if required. 

Calculate Payslip

The values used to calculate monthly salary are :

  1. Basic Pay
  2. Allowance 
  3. Bonus
  4. Overtime
  5. Benefit in Kind

Allowance Settings

3 Flexible Allowance fields are provided. 

allowance settings

Each Allowance has 8 options.

  1. EPF + SOCSO + PCB
  2. EPF + PCB
  3. EPF + SOCSO
  4. PCB + SOCSO
  5. NONE
  6. EPF (Only)
  7. SOCSO (Only)
  8. PCB (Only)

For example if you want to calculate PCB only, choose 8. Choose 3 for EPF. SOCSO Calculator. You can use different settings for different staff. The allowance amount and description will be saved in the Excel file. You can view the details using the Browse function. 

*Please note that if you choose SOCSO it will also include EIS.

Sample Payslip Calculation

Basic Salary 5,000
Commission 1,000
Traveling Allowance 500
Service Charge / Tips 300
Bonus 5,000

bonus calculation

Payslip Calculation Explanation.

EPF Calculations

Total Income subject to EPF = Basic + Bonus + Commission = 5,000+5,000+1,000 = 11,000

Traveling Allowance is not subject to EPF and SOCSO. Also no PCB for up to RM6000 per year.

SOCSO and EIS Calculations

Total Income subject to SOCSO and EIS = Basic + Commission + Service Charge / Tips = 5,000+1,000+300 = 6,300

Note that Bonus is not subject to SOCSO

PCB Calculations

Total Income (excluding Bonus) subject to PCB = Basic + Commission + Service Charge / Tips = 5,000+1,000+300-333.33 = 5,966.67

Note : Minus 333.33 is based on 4,000 PCB Exemption for EPF per year. Per month = 4,000 / 12 = 333.33

PCB for Bonus is calculated as Additional Remuneration using a different formula. You can find the Bonus PCB amount by calculating the same values without Bonus and calculate the difference.

Please note that PCB calculations are based on e-CP39 and not e-PCB

Browse Screen

browse screen

This screen allows you to view all the staff information you have saved. All this data is stored in an Excel File, “actpayfree.xls”

Note the Allowance information, Allowance 1, 2 and 3. 

browse calculations

Details on EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB Calculations can be found here.

Note the Bonus PCB of 551.56 and PCB Deduction of 792.10. Total PCB for the month is 792.10 and the PCB portion for the Bonus is 551.56. This information can be used when Bonus is paid separately before the monthly payslip.

All calculation data is stored in “actpayfree.xls”. We recommend that you do not edit this file directly. Please make a copy of the file and edit as needed. 

This software is designed to provide basic and accurate calculations for EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB. There is sufficient functionality providing all the calculations to produce a payslip. But, the salary calculator is limited to basic calculations and does not have advanced features needed for more complex payroll calculations and reporting.

For more advanced features and flexibility please take a look at our Actpay payroll software pricing information. The full payroll software also includes details reports and upload files for EPF, SOCSO and PCB as well as EA Form

We look forward to your questions and suggestions.
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